It's Not About Us
We live in a world that is so self-focused and self-driven.
Yet there is a freedom and sense of relief when it is realized that this life is not about us.
My life is not about me. It is instead to glorify the Giver, Creator, and Sustainer of Life.
When life is self-focused, we face this pressure and dissatisfaction. Pressure to live up to every standard we deem necessary and dissatisfaction because we are merely living for our own pleasure. Add that to a few billion other people who are also living for their own pleasure, plus a broken world and you get frustrated, dissatisfied hearts.
In this, we can see that we are not created to live for ourselves. We experience so much joy and fullness when we live for the One who Created us; that is how we are meant to live! Glorifying God, sharing His Truth with the world, and loving His Children as He does. That is what fulfills us.
Philippians 2:3
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourselves."
Another quote, this one from C.S. Lewis. "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less."
This concept struck me anew today in listening to a sermon. As human beings we are incredibly self-focused, convinced that finding true happiness lies in appeasing our desires. Does it though? We have all lived that way at some or another. However, is happiness, is joy rather, found in satisfying our desires? Pause a moment, dear reader, and contemplate this question. Think back to the last time you felt overwhelmed with joy. What were the circumstances? What filled you with such joy? Most often such circumstances are not experienced when one is alone and are seldom brought on by objects. True joy comes from interactions with God as well as the people around us.
Contrast that feeling with the feelings that come when one is stuck in a self-focused spiral, and I'm convinced as part of human nature we have all been there at one point or another as well. When I am focusing just on myself, and my own desires fear quickly slips in and attempts to take over my heart. What if I'm not doing enough? What if I just horribly messed up this interaction and now this person will never speak to me again? What if I will never be or do enough? What if I am unwanted? What if I will never find someone who wants to be with me forever? Why do people still talk to me and continue being my friend if I keep messing up so much? What if I'm not doing enough to please God? What if everything just falls apart and it's all my fault? Notice the common factor? Me, me, me. I have most definitely had all of these questions plague my mind at one point or another and several times all of these have poured on at once leaving my brain in a sobbing, paralyzed state. It struck me anew today that these thoughts are not only self-focused lies, but they cut God out of the picture entirely.
This is undoubtedly one of the devil's strategies to drive us further from God. Fear was a way of life for me for years. How do we counter it? These questions deny God's provision, protection, and love. They deny His sovereignty, ability, and even His creation and His image, as we are created in His image. I think first in order to counter this attack we have to acknowledge that this is not of God and question this mindset.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight."
Romans 12:2
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Seek God and delve into scripture so that you may be able to identify what is Truth and what is not. There are plenty of verses about that as well. Refute the lies with Truth, remember who you are as a Beloved Child of the Most High God, and most importantly remember who God is and all that He has done.
One thing that I have found that helps me change my mindset and remember how things actually are instead of being swayed by lies, is to imagine myself in the throne room of God. I imagine myself kneeling on the stairs leading up to His throne, completely surrounded by His glory and majesty. In such a setting all thoughts of myself fade away, and all I can think about is Him.
I think our lives would be so much easier if we just let God be God. We can just let go, be carried and held by God. Life is not designed to revolve around us, we are designed to live for our King.
Remember who you serve, who you live for, who you believe in. YAHWEH. The Holy and Righteous King over all.
Children of the Most High God, behold your King with awe and wonder. Let not your mind be swayed from He who gives you Life.
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