Why Does it Matter? Identity Series Post #2
Why is it important that we know who we are? Why does it matter? Why is there a fight with identity?
I think nearly everyone has experienced identity struggles at one point or another. Or everyday. It's a huge thing. Insecurity and confusion can plague all ages. Though I think it's effects are most seen in teenagers. We are not children yet not adults. Insecurity and confusion run rampant in these years. The results are suicide, hurting self or others, running away, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and much more. So much pain.
Currently, in America, we are living in the age where it is said, pushed rather, that everyone should just do what feels right to them. How frightening. Flesh running rampant. I could easily go on with this subject for a long time, but the current spiritual state of certain countries is not the main focus of this blog post. It is only a piece. Because it does tie into the identity battle.
However if the current (albeit unmoral) philosophy is correct and we should just do whatever feels right to us, why is there battles? Why is there a right and a wrong if it doesn't matter?
We live in a broken world. There is a battle raging, as it has been for thousands of years, God against satan. Light against darkness. That is why there is struggles with identity. We ARE ALL created by God. His Children. Whether Christian or not all human beings are created by God in His image.
That's why there is a fight, satan knows as Children created by the Most High God, if we hold on to God and choose Him, he (satan) has no power against us.
Romans 8:11
"And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you."
We forget who we are, or don't know because it's not really taught, so easily. This leads to us quickly putting our identity in quicksand, just about anything aside from Jesus Christ is temporary thus making it quicksand. We want a quick fix, and quicksand is not going to help. We get easily consumed in trying to prove ourselves, that we can make our own identity, we can be everything we need. All. By. Ourselves. It doesn't work that way. God created us. Not the other way around.
Think about it. Here are some lies that are common. I know that they're common because the devil doesn't use new material.
- Worthlessness. See if this sounds familiar. /You'll never amount to anything. What worth could you possibly have? You don't amount to anything. Everything you ever do will amount to nothing absolutely nothing.\
Every lie can cause a chain reaction. When you hear these lies you may react in fear, trying to fix it, trying to prove to everyone, to yourself, that you are worth... something... Either that or you agree and submit yourself to the lie. You believe that you have no value. No worth. Sometimes when you've submitted to the lies and they are all that you hear and believe all it takes is one situation, action, word, or look. That's all it takes for you to give up. Because you're trying to grow roots in quicksand. When making the choice to give up the lies grow stronger, their only desire to get rid of you. I know these feelings. I know these lies. I almost hurt myself very badly one night because I thought it would make everything better. The lies in my head, the voices were overwhelming, they were pretty much the only voices I could hear. That's why it is unwise to be alone when experiencing these feelings. If lies are all you hear then you'll make choices without thinking. The only reason I didn't hurt myself that night was because God provided my family to help me when I couldn't think clearly and all I could hear were lies. They reminded me of truth.
Truth conquers lies. Here is a piece of Truth for battling the lie of worthlessness. Jesus says I am worth dying for. I am worth saving. I am worth living for.
The shoulds. Insecurity's favorite word. Should. /You should do better than that. You shouldn't be doing that! Should you really be better than that.\
There are some shoulds that are just common sense. However, not in this case. This is when insecurity and comparison speak up. They keep you striving for a level of perfection impossible to achieve. Because everyone should be perfect, right? You should strive to rely completely on yourself, right?
Here's the hard part with that. By striving to be perfect all on your own, you are shoving God out of the picture. You're telling your creator that you can handle this all on your own, you don't need Him or you doubt that He will really do what He says. And you are committing idolatry by lifting yourself above God. There's the hard truth. I've definitely been in that boat, so now it's like, now that you know what are you going to do with it?
Here is some Truth for battling the driving force for unreachable perfection. God does not tell me that I have to prove myself. He knows me inside and out, I certainly don't have to prove myself to Him! I don't have to work to be accepted by Him.
Romans 5:8
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
Unloved. /Nobody loves you. Why would they? You can't be loved, you're not worth it, you have to work for it. God doesn't love you. You're alone. Nobody loves you.\
You are Chosen. You are Deeply Loved. You are Sought after as fine gold and precious stone. You are Cherished. You are Beloved.
John 3:16
So, why does it matter that we know who we are?
Because there is a battle against darkness and light. Darkness wants you to be ignorant about who you are, so you don't fight with Truth.
Time to pick up our swords and stop submitting ourselves to lies and darkness. There's been enough. It's time to rise up.
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