We are not fighting a losing battle

 How often do we struggle in this life? 

I don't think there's a calculator big enough for that! 

We are guaranteed troubles in this life. It is a broken world. John 16:33 

Actually, you know what, I'm going to type the whole verse out instead of just the reference. It's a good one.

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

This is such a good verse. We are going to have troubles, this is just a fact. If you stop and try to count all the bad things going on, all the natural disasters, you are going to get overwhelmed and depressed pretty fast. This is a broken world we're living in.

But! Jesus doesn't stop there. He knows that the amount of brokenness in the world is overwhelming, and discouraging. He knows what we're thinking as we start becoming weighed down by it all. So He says, "But take heart!" Don't be afraid or discouraged! Don't listen to all the lies that say that it's hopeless, and make you despair. "I have overcome the world." Already done. Past tense. It. Is. Finished. No need to feel despair over something that is already dealt with. We are not a people without hope.

God has already won the battle. Darkness is defeated. Fear is already defeated. Depression is already defeated. Hopelessness is already defeated. Despair is already defeated. Darkness was defeated with the Everlasting Light. Fear was defeated with Trust. Depression was defeated with True Joy. Hopelessness was defeated with Hope. Despair was defeated with Peace. Freedom, Truth, Eternal Light, Hope, Peace, Joy. Jesus defeated darkness and brought these Truths and Weapons here, that we may stand firm in Him and with Him.

There are times when we feel like we are in battle once again. I think this is true. There are still battles, but as Christians, these battles that we fight are not for our lives. As Christians our positions are secure, we are the only ones who can choose to let go of them, but if we stay believing in Jesus, NOTHING can take away the position in Heaven that He bought for us, by His Blood.

So, we are not battling for our lives. We may have to fight fear, or anxiety. We fight that with Truth. Jesus already won the battle. He provided us with the weapons we need to fight the battles that result from defeated darkness in denial. The devil doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that he is defeated.

One of the lyrics in a song I listen to fairly often, (By artist Kb) basically says this. When the devil brings up your past, bring up his future.

This is so true. God is only going to allow this darkness to go on for a certain amount of time and then He will finish it once and for all.

Until then, we continue to fight from a place of Victory.

We need to fight with Truth. How did Jesus fight when the devil was tempting Him? Luke 4:1-13 is one of the sections that shows us what He did. He fought by quoting Scripture. Truth. Darkness can't stand against even the light of a small candle flame. Lies cannot stand against the Truth, the Word of God. (Hebrews 4:12)


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