It Is Finished
In several of my recent posts I have written about dealing with fear.
I'm using this blog to write Words that God gives me, and my current ponderings and processing different things.
So today I was in our amazing house church, (undoubtedly more on that miracle later), listening to the sermon. Then a phrase that I had heard a hundred times before, set in a new light. It Is Finished. The words Jesus spoke before His last breath.
Sometimes, unfortunately, with things I hear over and over again I don't consider their meaning to the fullest, or I do but then I forget and lose sight of it.
It Is Finished.
Those three words and the following events began the ending of an era. Three days later a new era began. The era of darkness ended. The era of Truth, Light, and Hope was ushered in when Jesus rose and death died.
Death is Finished. Fear is Finished. Darkness is Finished. Despair is Finished. Rejection is Finished. Insecurity is Finished. Destruction is Finished. Doubt is Finished. Hate is Finished. Sin is Finished.
This does not mean that these things are not still present. They are very present. What's the difference then? Darkness does not rule the earth any more.
Light rules the earth now. We have the choice of eternal Life! We do not have to submit to fear, despair, rejection, insecurity, doubt, hate, and sin. Their rule is Finished. When faced with these things that do not rule but still exist we need to turn to God.
Ephesians 5:8
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light"
We turn to these things, the opposite of light, far too easily because darkness once ruled the earth. Before we accepted Christ we were a part of the darkness. We know hate, we know fear and despair. True Light, Unconditional Love, and Trust is not something we are used to. The world still surrenders to darkness as though it is still ruling. The world has both forgotten and does not know that we do not have to live surrendered to fear, darkness, insecurity, and hate. Things we are exposed to over and over again have potential to become addictive. Then we don't care whether it is good or bad we just want more. We may even believe that we need what we are addicted to. Perhaps we may even think that we need the addiction to exist or survive. We may even take it on as a part of our identity. So, once we are accustomed to the darkness, it is hard to trust the Light. We may fear that the Light will blind us. If we're used to darkness then it seems comfortable, the Light might hurt, it might burn us, right? The only burning that takes place is the flames of purification. Burning off the darkness that is not apart of who God made us to be.
Another reason we may want to stay in darkness is the another part of the false feeling of comfort that it gives. Often times we don't want to stand out. Standing out from other people can be quite uncomfortable, blending in is just easier. I've thought this before, and this will probably be a separate post but if we're just following everyone else, where are we going?? What path are we going down and what is leading us?? What consequences are there to just hopping on the bandwagon? In my opinion the scary part to those questions is no one really knows the answer. Blindly following darkness. Where does that lead?
Again, one of my favorite phrases in Ephesians, "But God"
He made it so that we have a choice. We don't have to blindly follow darkness anymore.
It. Is. Finished.
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