Hello Readers!
This is my first time doing anything of this sort, so please forgive, and hang with me as I stumble through it.
So a little bit about myself.
My name is Grace Miller. First and foremost I am a Christian, a Daughter of the Most High King. Secondly, don't ask me where I'm from, ;) I am an MK, missionary kid, so many of my blog posts will be from that perspective and my journey thus far. I was raised in four different countries and have visited seven countries so far. So that's just a little taste of why answering the question, "Where are you from?" is extremely difficult.
Random fun facts about me.
- I am bilingual.
- I still absolutely listen to Veggie Tales silly songs and Adventures in Odyssey.
- I love watching movies, Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, and the Kendrick Brothers
- I love listening to music. All Christian, but a wide variety. Rap, rock, hip hop, Nigerian and Liberian gospel, Middle Eastern, and hymns.
- I was hit by a car a couple years ago, and my right arm is paralyzed because of that. So now I get to experience things with a new perspective and I'm learning a lot. There's nothing God can't handle, and help me through.
- I love reading. The genres I enjoy are more in the realistic fiction, some historical fiction, some fantasy, kind of mix.
- I love writing! Which is why I started this blog!
What is going to be in this blog?
So this blog is going to be a proper mix of life. Sections about being a MK, and adjusting to America. Parts about being a BPI (Brachial Plexus Injury. Nerve injury) road warrior. Pieces that God gives me to write. And my various ponderings about many things. Also, I'm going to be vulnerable on here, as honest and open as possible, because I'm not going to live my life closed up as a clamshell, alone with pain.
So it's going to be a journey and I would be honored if you joined me!
Thanks for the invitation. Your vulnerability humbles me.