
Showing posts from June, 2021


I’m going to be working on a series about identity, its importance and the challenges of finding who you are.  Who are you?  Is it a simple question? Maybe. But here’s the facts. Most people today are extremely confused about who they are. When you know who you are, and you are confident and secure in your identity it affects how you live.  What do you root your identity in? Who do you say you are? Let’s work through the layers with a worldview perspective. Who am I? Say someone walks up to me and says, who are you? The conversation may go something like this.  Friend: Who are you? Me: My name is Grace Miller.  Friend: That’s your name. Are you merely a name? Who are you? (This is when people may start listing credentials and qualifications.) Me: No… I’m a high school student…  Friend: That’s something you do. Who are you? Me: I am the eldest child to my parents and a oldest sister to my sister. I’m one of the youngest grandchildren to both sets of my grand...