The Power of Rest
Rest. As human beings, we all need rest. Rest is a topic that is frequently discussed and pondered. How do we get enough? What is enough rest? Is rest more than sleep? How do we do everything that needs to be done and care for ourselves? Different cultures go about rest very differently. Where I lived for several years, in a small West African village a slower pace of life was embraced. In several countries spanning from Brazil to Italy, the workday goes a little bit later to factor in a two-to-three-hour nap time in the middle of the day. From what I've seen here in the U.S. rest is largely not practiced, either that or it is the most quickly sacrificed. Different cultures look at rest in different ways. So, how are we, as Christians, supposed to look at rest? what does it mean for us? It nearly makes me weep for joy to see how thoroughly this topic is covered in the Bible. Naturally, the first place that we see re...